.knit stencil.

.to embellish yummy stuff.

'Cake and coffee stencils' by
Megan Herbert
(mais: http://meganherbert.com)


.sharing a lollipop isn't something you see everyday.

'Share the sweet' by
Maria Tovslid
(mais: http://www.findmixing.com)


.ripped paper collage portrait.

Collage by
Derek Gores
(mais: http://www.derekgores.com)


.this book is alive.

'Book Sculptures' by
Su Blackwell
(mais: http://www.sublackwell.co.uk)

.dream, dream, dream.

.amazingly cozy.

'Lake House' by
John Robert Nilsson Architects
(mais: http://jrnarkitektkontor.blogspot.com)

.ring of words.

.oh, poor book.

'Literary Jewels' by
Jeremy May
(mais: http://littlefly.co.uk)